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Alligator Snapping Turtle

Alligator snapping turtles are the heaviest among freshwater turtles found in the world, occurring in the southeastern United States. They derive their name from their powerful jaw and long neck while their shell contains distinct ridges quite akin to the rough skin of an alligator.

    Kingdom Animalia
    Phylum Chordata
    Class Reptilia
    Order Testudines
    Family Chelydridae
    Genus Macrochelys
    Scientific Name Macrochelys temminckii

    Size 35 to 80.8 cm
    Weight 8.4 to 80 kg
    Color Gray, black, brown or olive-green
    Distribution Northwest Florida, East Texas, Missouri, southeastern Iowa, southeastern Kansas, western Illinois,  southern Indiana, southern Wisconsin, western Kentucky, western Tennessee
    Habitat Rivers and streams
    Diet Fish and fish carcasses, mollusks, carrion, amphibians, snakes, crayfish, worms, water birds, aquatic plants, other turtles
    Breeding Season Early spring in the southern part and late spring in the northern part of their range
    Mode of Reproduction Oviparous (egg laying)
    Clutch Size 10 to 50 eggs
    Incubation Period 100 to 140 days
    Reproductive Age Around 12 years of age
    Average Lifespan In wild: 80 to 120 years
    In Captivity: 20 to 70 years
    IUCN Conservation Status Vulnerable

    Alligator Snapping Turtle Pictures Gallery

    Published on October 3rd 2016 by under Turtles. Article was last reviewed on 12th June 2019.

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